El signant sol·licita que:
In accordance with the rules set out by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) in the Regulations of the Metropolitan Register of Foreign Vehicles and Other Authorised Vehicles,
the undersigned requests
the approval of this application for inclusion of a vehicle in the Register of permits to drive in the Barcelona low emission zone, ZBE Rondes de Barcelona.
The undersigned personally accepts responsibility for the veracity of the information provided, and gives consent to the Barcelona Metropolitan Area to carry out the pertinent checks at the public administrations listed below, and authorises those public administrations to access the data for the sole purpose of the mentioned verification while fulfilling their commitment to maintain secrecy. The undersigned acknowledges and accepts that, if any piece of information stated in this application is found to be untrue, he or she will lose any right to the service.
In accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will be processed for the purposes of managing the authorisation for a vehicle to access the Barcelona low emission zone (ZBE). The legal person responsible for treatment of your data is Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB). Your data may be communicated to other public administrations in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the service and enable AMB and those administrations to properly execute their competences within the scope of control and management of the ZBE. For further information, please consult the AMB privacy policy.
We inform you that you may request access to, and rectification and suppression of your data, and that you may exercise other rights by sending:
a letter, along with an enclosed photocopy of your national identity card, to AMB's Department of Legal Services at the following address:
Serveis Jurídics, Exercici de Drets
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Carrer 60, núm. 19 Floor Level - Zona Franca
08040 Barcelona
or a formal request through the relevant form on the AMB web portal www.amb.cat, indicating "Exercise of rights" as the topic of the request.
AMB may check the veracity of the data you provide at the following bodies:
If you do not give consent to AMB to carry out the consultation at other public administrations, you will have to provide copies of the following documents:
Identity document of the applicant and, if applicable, of the legal representative;
Certificate of meeting the medical requirements, stamped by a health centre.
Temporarily, applications for authorisation to drive in the ZBE Rondes de Barcelona on the grounds of medical requirements will be accepted following the submission of a Statement of Compliance by the applicant. In accordance with Article 35 of Law 26/2010, of 3 August, on the legal and procedural system of the public administrations of Catalonia, a Statement of Compliance is understood to be a document signed by the interested party in which the party declares, under their responsibility, that they meet the requirements established by the regulations in force to be granted a right or a faculty, or to exercise a right; that they are in possession of the relevant supporting documentation; and that they undertake to maintain their compliance for the period of validity of the granting or exercise of the right.
We also inform you that Article 38 of the aforementioned Law 26/2010 regulates cases of inaccuracies, falsehoods or omissions in the data provided in the Statement of Compliance and establishes that:
from the moment they become known, the inaccuracy, falsehood or omission, of a crucial nature, in any piece of information or document attached to or mentioned in a Statement of Compliance, or contained in a former communication, will lead to – after hearing the interested party – the procedure in question being left without effect, and will halt the possibility to exercise the right or the activity;
the administrative ruling that states the circumstances referred to in section 1 may also involve the initiation of pertinent actions and halt the possibility to exercise the right or the activity affected from the moment those circumstances become known.