Vehicles that provide medical, funeral, civil protection and firefighting services, the police and Spanish security forces can apply for an exemption on the restrictions to drive in the ZBE low emissions zones which allows them to travel through the areas at all times.
There are two ways to prove a vehicle is used by the police and Spanish security forces, or to provide medical, funeral, firefighting or civil protection services:
The application is submitted by the legal representative of the competent public authority for each of the services, or by any other person with the pertinent authorisation to do so.
The usage code on the Vehicle Registration Documents, or the category according to usage criteria on the Certificate of Technical Inspections (ITV) has to correspond to one of the services mentioned above.
The only vehicles to be registered are those that have not obtained a DGT environmental label and are subject to the restrictions on driving in the ZBE low emissions zones. Applicants may register more than one vehicle.
Interested parties may apply to have a vehicle included in the Metropolitan Register of Foreign Vehicles and other Authorised Vehicles. After checking that all the requirements have been meet, applicants will be informed of their vehicle's inclusion in the Register and of the granting of authorisation to drive in the low emissions zones.
The application can be submitted through the form on this website, using digital identification. Click here to consult the accepted forms of digital identification.
If the applicant is the legal representative of the competent public authority, or the individual appointed to act as the representative, and if the application can be processed correctly online, no further documentation will need to be submitted.
If consent to having data verified at other public administrations has been refused, or if the applicant is not the legal representative of the competent public authority, or the individual appointed to act as the representative, then copies of the following documents must be submitted:
Identity document of the applicant (DNI - Spanish Identity Card; NIE - Foreign Resident Identity Document passport).
The vehicle's Certificate of Technical Inspections, stating its category code according to usage criteria.
The vehicle's Registration Document
The application for registration of the vehicle will be processed (accepted, denied or returned as incomplete) within 15 business days of submission. During this period, until the moment confirmation of inclusion in the Register is given, the vehicle is not considered to be registered and is not exempt from the restrictions on driving in the low emissions zones.
The vehicle will remain included in the Register on a permanent basis, provided the condition of the vehicle does not undergo any changes. If the vehicle is scrapped or sold, it must be deregistered.
No fees are charged for this procedure.