Vehicle owners who can provide proof of purchase of a new motor vehicle that meets the technological and emission requirements for access to the low emissions zones (ZBE) of the metropolis of Barcelona may be granted a temporary authorization for access to the ZBE.
The person applying for the authorization must be the natural or legal person who owns the vehicle.
Proof must be provided that the vehicle has been replaced by a new vehicle that meets the environmental requirements for access to the low emissions zone (with an environmental label).
A single applicant can register several vehicles
By internet, using digital identificacion:
By traditional Post Office mail:
Fill out this application form.
Sign it and enclose any required documents
Send it by postal service to:
Registre d'autoritzacions ZBE
Departament de Parc Mòbil
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
C/ 62, núm. 16-18, Zona Franca
08040 Barcelona (Spain)
In-person at:
Metropolitan OAC Office: Carrer 62, núm 16-18, 08040 Barcelona (Zona Franca).
Business days, Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 14:00.
By appointment only. Check here
The following documents must be attached to the registration form:
Copy of the signed sales, rental or leasing contract or proof of reservation payment in the applicant's name or tender document to replace the vehicle.
Documentation signed by the supplier or dealer specifying the estimated delivery date of the new vehicle and its technical characteristics.
Should permission to consult other administrations be denied, the applicant must also submit a copy of the following documentation:
ID document (national identity document —DNI—, foreigner identity number —NIE— or passport) of applicant
Vehicle registration certificate
The application for registration of the vehicle will be processed (accepted, denied or returned as incomplete) within 15 business days of submission.
Once the vehicle has been registered, it may be driven in the LEZs of the metropolis of Barcelona without the need to obtain additional authorisation until the date of delivery of the vehicle, and for a maximum of 18 months from the date of application.