Natural persons who own category M1 and L vehicles which are used to carry out professional activities, and who provide proof that their income is lower than 2 times the current IPREM index (the official Spanish reference index for income), can apply for a grace period for the application of the restrictions on the use of those vehicles. Only valid to drive through ZBE Sant Cugat.
The applicant needs to meet the following requirements:
Be the natural person who owns a private vehicle (M1) or motorcycle or moped (L) which does not have an environmental label.
Be registered at the Social Security Treasury General at the moment the application is submitted.
Provide proof that the sum of all forms of your economic income (pensions, benefits, unearned income, rental income, interest on capital, etc.) is lower than 2 times the current IPREM index (the official Spanish reference index for income).
Formally declare that the vehicle is a necessary instrument towards the carrying out of the applicant's professional activity.
You may apply for the one-year grace period for a single vehicle only.
Vehicle owners must apply for inclusion of the vehicle in the Register. After checking that all the requirements have been met, applicants will be informed and the vehicle may drive in those low emissions zones where a grace period is in force until the end of that period.
By internet, using digital identification:
By traditional Post Office mail:
Fill out this application form
Sign it and enclose any required documents
Send it by postal service to
Registre d'autoritzacions ZBE
Departament de parc mòbil
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
C/ 62, núm. 16-18, Zona Franca
08040 Barcelona (Spain)
Metropolitan OAC Office: Carrer 62, núm 16-18, Zona Franca, 08040 Barcelona.
(Business days, Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 14:00).
By appointment only. Check here
Additional documentation
If you have given us consent to verify your data at other public administrations, and no issues are found, no additional documentation will need to be submitted.
If consent is withheld, the applicant must submit copies of the following documents:
Identity document of the applicant and/or representative
The vehicle's Registration Document
The vehicle's Certificate of Technical Inspections
Photocopies of documents that prove the applicant's current income (latest income tax return, income tax certificate, employment history certificate, deregistration as self-employed, benefits, booklet recording family situation, etc.).
The application for registration of the vehicle will be processed (accepted, denied or returned as incomplete) within 15 business days of submission. During this period, until the moment you receive confirmation of inclusion in the Register, the vehicle is not considered to be registered and is not allowed to enter the low emission zones.
The vehicle will be included in the Register, and be authorised to drive in metropolitan Barcelona’s low emission zones until the finalisation of the grace period established for each zone in the applicable byelaws. In the case of the low emissions zone Rondes de Barcelona, has already finished, and in the case of the low emissions zone Sant Cugat, the finalisation date is 30 April 2022.
If you scrap or sell the vehicle, you must deregister it.
No fees are charged for this procedure.